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Or maybe you just want to replace that old nasty couch that’s been Febreezed one too many times. No matter your reason, one of the tried and true ways to make some quick cash is by having a garage sale. And believe us: There’s nothing better than a garage sale-for the seller and the buyer. You’ve got a well-loved kitchen table that needs to go? There’s someone in the market for that. You’re finally ready to part with those clothes you’ve never worn? Yep-somebody will probably want those too. If you’re a newbie to the yard sale game, don’t worry. We’ve got all the garage sale tips to help you get organized, price your stuff fairly, and end the day with a handful of cash. If your house looks like it’s been on an episode of Hoarders, it’s well past time to have a garage sale. And now that you’ve made the decision, it’s time to get ready for the big day: 1. You know that closet in the hallway that you avoid? Yup-the one that you open very slowly in fear that something might fall on you? Yeah. What’s even in there? Decorations from your wedding? Old gifts that you never used or regifted? Clothing that doesn’t fit anymore? Clean it out. Need an extra boost in your budget? Find more money each month with our 14-Day Money Finder! And while you’re at it, dig through your garage, basement, attic, other closets, cabinets and under all the beds.

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If you don’t use it or wear it often (or you forgot it even existed), it probably needs to go. And if you need some extra motivation, remember Marie Kondo’s sage advice: If it doesn’t bring you joy, get rid of it! Not only will you be able to take inventory of what you have, you’ll gain extra space in the process. Having a garage sale can be a daunting task, so go ahead and do the major work ahead of time. As you’re unearthing all of those tennis rackets, clothes and old board games, sort them into three basic categories: Keep, Sell and Trash.ĭon’t worry about pricing anything right now-just focus on sorting and getting organized. Your main goal here is to get rid of the junk and find a permanent home for the stuff you’re going to keep. Once your piles are made, pull out all of the items you sorted to sell.

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If you’re not too thrilled about the idea of strangers stopping by your front yard (or if you want to split some of the workload), team up with another family on your block or check with your neighborhood association to see if a community sale is coming up. Set a date.įriday, Saturday and Sunday mornings are usually the best time to hold your garage sale. Here’s an insider garage sale tip: Consider scheduling it on the first weekend of the month-a lot of paychecks go out at the end of the month, so people will have cash to spend. The earlier the start, the cooler the temperature will be. You might even have more people show up because they’ll get their shopping out of the way early! And don’t forget to check the forecast before you hang up signs around the neighborhood. You can buy simple pricing stickers and blank labels at the dollar store or any office supply store. Or if you’re wanting to be really budget friendly, just pick up a permanent marker and masking tape and get to pricing your items.

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